In the midst of a digital transition, mechatronics industries are in full transformation. In order to better respond to the needs of industries, which lack highly qualified workers in both digital and soft skills, the DIGITRONICS project has been developed to improve the quality, content and methodology of the professional training offered by mechatronics trainers and teachers.
In industries that are progressing faster than the methodologies and content of training offered by VET centers across Europe, gaps are growing between professional training and companies’ expectations. To be able to train qualified employees who are fully prepared for the challenges of industry 4.0, we must develop innovations in teaching, training and skill development. The aim of DIGITRONICS is to accompany and train the trainers.
The project consortium is looking for relevant solutions to confront these existing training and upskilling gaps, improve the quality of vocational training in mechatronic fields, and place professional training at the forefront of the expectations of Industry 4. 0 in Europe.