DIGITRONICS Project: Updates and Key Events

After the Summer holidays, the DIGITRONICS partners would like to share some updates and upcoming activities for the project. The three main project outputs are currently being finalized:

Updates to IO1 Competence Framework

The main objective of the IO1 Competence Framework was to research, define and test the necessary competencies for mechatronics professionals in order to clarify on which competencies for mechatronics trainers the DIGITRONICS project partners should focus. The framework will now be updated to include feedback received during the project not only on the competencies identified but also on their connection with the Trainer’s Guide and the E-learning modules.

Finalization of IO3 E-learning modules

  • The E-learning modules are another opportunity for teachers/trainers to test their knowledge of industrial and pedagogical innovations and how these can be integrated into their future teaching, in the context of the digital transition. All content, currently being finalized by the project partners, will be freely available in all partnership languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish and Polish) and will be tested during the piloting sessions. The modules cover:
  • The future of teaching and learning at work;
  • Digital tools to engage learners;
  • Technical and soft skills for mechatronics;
  • The mechatronics ecosystem

U pcoming key dates

  1. Piloting sessions: the e-learning modules will be tested by teachers, trainers and industrial stakeholders starting from mid-October 2023 and will close by 15 November. Once the feedback has been received, the DIGITRONICS partners will update the modules accordingly. Find your local DIGITRONICS coordinator on the project website (Contact) for more information on participating.

  2. N ational DIGITRONICS events: in order to share and discuss the DIGITRONICS project deliverables as well as more largely issues affecting mechatronics as a discipline, Industry 4.0 and the future of VET, national events will be held in each partner country (France, Spain, Italy and Poland) in December 2023 – January 2024. More details to come!

  3. DIGITRONICS final partner meeting and hybrid event: During the last project meeting (17-18 January 2024) in Girona, Spain, hosted by DIGITRONICS partner Institut Narcis Xifra (INX), a hybrid event will be held to share news about the project but also explore future topics that could affect VET training, the digital transition and Industry 4.0.

  4. The end of the project will be 31 January 2024. Still, beyond this date, project resources and deliverables will be freely available for use up to two years after the end of the project through the project website and Erasmus+ results platform.

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DIGITRONICS Project: Updates and Key Events
