Mechatronics Trainer Competences

As the first step of the project, partners set out to define a professional profile and competence framework for mechatronics trainers at EQF level 5.

First partners completed an initial desk research in the different partner countries (France, Italy, Poland and Spain) and comparing results, partners found that there is no such thing as “a” professional profile for a mechatronics trainer. Competences vary based on what type of institution the trainer is teaching in (higher education institution, company, VET center, etc.) as well as what industry or type of job the training is for. Mechatronics touches many industries and roles can vary greatly.

Partners then focused on the competences more widely, using project results from previous Erasmus+ projects like NEW METRO while also consulting experts on teacher training and/or mechatronics in each partner country.

Based on the international research, consulting and discussion groups, the consortium proposed its Competence Framework for mechatronics trainers.